Global Interdisciplinary Research Network for the Study of all Aspects of Collaboration in Science and in Technology

history 18th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & 23nd COLLNET Meeting


Organised joinly by COLLNET and Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France 

12-14th December 2024

history 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & 22nd COLLNET Meeting


Organised joinly by COLLNET, Society for Library Professionals and Special Libraries Association, Asia Community and hosted and organized by East West Universit, Dhaka, Bangladesh 

08-10th December 2023

history 16th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & 21st COLLNET Meeting


Organised joinly by COLLNET, Society for Library Professionals and Special Libraries Association, Asia Community and Co-hosted by Office of Academic Resources (OAR), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand and Thai Library Association, Thailand,

10-12th November 2022

history 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & 20th COLLNET Meeting


co-organised by WISE Lab, Dalian University of Technology (Dalian, China), COLLNET (Berlin, Germany) and the “Committee of Theory of Science of Science and Discipline Construction, Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Management”

November 5-8 2019

history 14th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and 19th COLLNET Meeting


December 5.-8., 2018
Hosted by University of Macau, Macau SAR China
Proceedings at DBT(Digitale Bibliothek Thueringen)

history 13th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and 18th COLLNET Meeting


July 9.-11., 2017
Hosted by Kent Business School, University of Kent, UK

history 12th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and 17th COLLNET Meeting

Dezember 12-15, 2016
The conference will be held at Nancy, France

history 11th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and 16th COLLNET Meeting

November 26-28, 2015
New Delhi, India
Hosted by University of Delhi

history 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and 15th COLLNET Meeting

September 3-5, 2014
Ilmenau, Germany
Hosted by TU Ilmenau
Proceedings at DBT(Digitale Bibliothek Thueringen)

history 9th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & 14th COLLNET Meeting

August 15-17, 2013,
Tartu, Estonia 
Hosted by Estonian Research Council and COLLNET

January 4

history Eigth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & 13th COLLNET Meeting

will be held
23-26 October, 2012,
at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Seoul, Rep. of Korea

March 9

history Seventh International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Twelfth COLLNET Meeting

will be held
20-23 September, 2011
at Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey

December 16
We are glad to announce the

history Sixth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Eleventh COLLNET Meeting

19-22 October, 2010
Mysore, India

October 7
We are glad to announce the

history Fifth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Tenth COLLNET Meeting

13-16 September, 2009
Dalian, China

January 18
We are glad to announce the

history Fourth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Ninth COLLNET Meeting
Proceedings of WIS 2008
as an online Open-Access e-book (2008-10-22):
PDF file with links to papers (245 KB)
ZIP file with all papers
(21 MB)

The Preliminary Program is available here (since July 9, 2008):
PDF (155 kB).
The Second Announcement is available here (since March 14, 2008):
PDF (75 kB).
The COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management has published a Special Issue COLLNET 2008 (PDF file of cover and List of Contents).

29 July - 1 August, 2008
Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin
Institute of Library and Information Science
Berlin, Germany

September 19
The second announcement of the

history International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics:
Collaboration in Science and in Technology
& Eighth COLLNET Meeting

is available now: PDF (178 kB).
Please, visit also the conference homepage:
6-9 March, 2007, New Delhi, India

June 14
The first announcement of the WISELAB
(Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China) on the

history International Forum on Science Study and Scientometrics
Dalian 24-28 Sep, 2006
is available now: PDF (180 kB).

January 30

history The International Workshop
on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics
& Seventh COLLNET Meeting
in conjunction with the
Extra Session on Information Visualization for Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics
on 10-12 May, 2006
has its own web page:

Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications

November 29
The second announcement of the

history International Workshop
on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics
& Seventh COLLNET Mewww.wissenschaftsforschung.deeting
in conjunction with the
Extra Session on Information Visualization for Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics
on 10-12 May, 2006
is available now: Nancy-2006-Announcement.pdf (207kB)

Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
Nancy, France, 10-12 May, 2006

October 19
We announce the

history International Workshop
on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics
& Seventh COLLNET Meeting
on 10-12 May, 2006
Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
Nancy, France, 10-12 May, 2006

June 3
The final program of the

history Sixth COLLNET Meeting
and an Extra Session on Collaboration
at the last day (28 July, 2005)
of the ISSI 2005 Conference
is now available here: collnetISSI2005.pdf

Stockholm, Sweden, 24-28 July, 2005


February 2
We announce the

history Sixth COLLNET Meeting
and an Extra Session on Collaboration
at the last day (28 July, 2005)
of the ISSI 2005 Conference,

Stockholm, Sweden, 24-28 July, 2005


September 30
We announce the

history International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics &
Fifth COLLNET Meeting
held at Central Library of
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Roorkee, India
on 2-5 March, 2004
(Accepted papers as PDF file, 2004-2-27)

Roorkee, India, 2-5 March, 2004



history The 4th COLLNET Meeting and a
Special Session on Collaboration
(revised version of program as PDF file, 2003-8-20)
has been held at the last day (August 29, 2003) of the
9th International Conference on Scientometics and Informetrics.

Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2003

February 19:
Workshop The Proceedings of the
Second Berlin Workshop: Collaboration in Science and in Technology


Workshop 3rd COLLNET Meeting
of Principle Investigators
"Collaboration in Science and Technology"

Friday 20th July, 2001
at The University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia
(at the end of the ISSI Conference, July 16 - 20, 2001)
Workshop Nistads International Workshop on
Emerging Trends in Science & Technology Indicators:
Aspects of Collaboration
and The Second COLLNET Meeting

20-25th February 2001
at NISTADS, New Delhi, India
Workshop Second Berlin Workshop on Scientometrics and Informetrics:
Collaboration in Science and in Technology
and The First COLLNET Meeting

1. - 4. September 2000
at the Free University Berlin, Germany

Pre-COLLNET Conferences